Easing pain and improving quality of life are universal goals in medicine that become more urgent and difficult to achieve in times of war. That’s why Montefiore Einstein was proud to recently host a medical and surgical team from Feofaniya Clinical Hospital in Kyiv, Ukraine, that was here to learn new pain management techniques, with a focus on spinal cord stimulation for treatment of phantom limb pain. Montefiore Einstein was one of only two New York institutions the team visited to learn these procedures.
“We are blessed with having this team from Ukraine here at Montefiore Einstein,” said Allan L. Brook, MD, Director, Interventional Neuroradiology, Montefiore Einstein, and Professor, Radiology (Neuroradiology) and Neurological Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “We hope the procedures we help them with can make a difference in someone’s life. Spinal cord stimulation is one of the only effective treatments for amputee or phantom limb pain.”